Douglass Project Summer Fellowship Program

What is the fellowship?

The Douglass Project’s Fellowship Program provides an opportunity to learn from and contribute to the organization’s mission of facilitating structured meetings and respectful conversations between members of free society and incarcerated individuals, that results in powerful human connections, transforms lives and leads to positive changes in society. 

Position Description

Douglass Project Fellows work independently and in project teams on communications, fundraising, program planning and implementation, evaluation and visit coordination initiatives. Additionally, Douglass Project Fellows will have the opportunity to take part in seminars and workshops to further their understanding and participation in the public discourse around criminal legal system reform. FDP is a national organization, with operations in Colorado, Florida, Washington DC, Louisiana, New York, Michigan, Massachusetts, and Ohio, with additional states and sites being added regularly.

The Frederick Douglass Project is committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion. Our commitment to valuing the humanity of all individuals is reflected in our Fellowship program. We are seeking applicants from a wide range of backgrounds so that we can advance our goal of achieving equity and diversity in the workforce and because we value the input of those with lived and varied experience. 

For more information on tasks and duties, see 2024 Douglass Project Fellowship Job Description.

Application Timeline

The Frederick Douglass Project for Justice is no longer accepting fellowship applications. If you have submitted one already, we will be in contact soon regarding next steps. Selected fellows should know by the middle of March.

To Apply

The application process is now closed. Thank you to all who applied!

The FDP Fellowship is an incredible and unique way to get involved in the criminal justice field through human interaction. It changes the way people of all ages view the prison system at large.
— 2023 FDP Fellow

Fellowship Design

The Douglass Project Fellowship maximizes learning opportunities and ensures Fellows make meaningful contributions to our work. The Fellowship Program begins with a Summer Fellowship. Based on performance during the summer, Fellows may be considered for full year academic fellowships.

Summer Fellows should anticipate working 35 hours a week. Work is largely conducted remotely and schedules are somewhat flexible. Summer Fellows will work with supervisors to create an individualized work schedule that optimizes opportunities for teamwork and collaboration, aligns with project timelines and organizational goals, and ensures work-life balance. Participation in weekly meetings is expected. 

The stipend for the Summer Fellowship is $5000. Douglass Project Fellows will be 1099 staff; as such, the Douglass Project will not withhold any taxes on behalf of the employee. Outside of sessions at particular facilities, the work will be virtual and qualified applicants from all geographies will be considered. Fellows record daily activities and submit brief weekly progress summaries based on assigned projects. The Summer Fellowship will run from June to August, with exact dates to be determined in the mid-Spring. The Summer Fellowship concludes with a capstone presentation to organizational leadership. Evaluation of Fellows’ capstone presentation, along with consideration of their contributions over the Summer period, determines eligibility for the Academic Fellowship. 

Academic Fellowships are part-time positions that require a minimum of 5-10 hours of work each week. Similar to the Summer Fellowship, work is conducted remotely and schedules are flexible and Fellows are paid for their time on an hourly basis.

If your school provides an opportunity to earn course credit for completing externships, please contact to learn more about the Douglass Project’s Externship program. 

Through this fellowship, I developed such a great relationship with everyone at the Douglass Project and was able to truly feel like I was making a difference after participating in the visits. Connecting with the inside participants in FDP has been life changing, and this fellowship has been the most rewarding job I have had
— 2023 Fellow