The United States holds 5% of the world’s population, but holds 25% of the world’s prison population
15 million people touch the criminal justice system each year
7 million Americans are under some form of correctional control
20 million Americans have felony convictions
100 million Americans have some kind of criminal record
Sources: U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Science Daily, American Enterprise Institute
The Douglass Project works to highlight shared humanity. Inside participants across numerous facilities report positive changes in self-perception, confidence, and communication skills. They reported feeling more respected, human, and alive, and recognized personal growth and development. By providing incarcerated individuals with opportunities for reflection, dialogue, and personal development, the program has paved the way for meaningful and lasting change in the lives of those it touches.
95% of inside participants surveyed say that participating in the Douglass Project has made them more confident in their ability to make good choices, 91% say that the Douglass Project has helped them create more positive relationships with others, and 100% say that their communication skills have improved.
For outside participants, these visits deepened already existing empathy for incarcerated individuals, helped people to reconsider programming availability, opportunities for development, and the conditions of confinement in prison, and allowed participants to see the passion and dedication that incarcerated individuals have.